Bitcoin Is Not as Secure, Unregulated, or Lucrative as You Might Think | Wired Opinion |

En god artikel på WIRED som kommer hele vejen rundt om Bitcoins styrker og svagheder - set fra et netværk/security forskers perspektiv

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En god artikel på WIRED som kommer hele vejen rundt om Bitcoins styrker og svagheder - set fra et netværk/security forskers perspektiv. Bestemt værd at læse for alle med interesse i Bitcoins.

Bitcoin. Everybody’s talking about it. What’s true, and what’s hype? Perhaps the only thing that’s clear about Bitcoin is that it’s not going away anytime soon. Who am I to say? I’m not an economist; I’m a hacker, who has spent his career exploring and repairing large networks. And networks may very well be how the world works — financial, social, electronic, even physical.