Hvorfor frihandel altid kan betale sig

Når politikerne forhandler handelsaftaler er de ofte meget fokuseret på at aftalerne skal være bilaterale, men i denne artikel argumenterer Patrick...

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Når politikerne forhandler handelsaftaler er de ofte meget fokuseret på at aftalerne skal være bilaterale, men i denne artikel argumenterer Patrick Barron for at det er i ethvert lands interesse at indføre total frihandel uanset hvad andre lande gør.

"The only international economic policy that a country needs is to mind its own business and set a good example to the rest of the world. A just economic policy for a free and prosperous nation would be based on the twin pillars of unilateral free trade and nonintervention into its own markets. This means a complete elimination of domestic regulations that attempt to set quality and safety standards (for the market will do that by itself) and complete abdication of manufacture and management of money."