EU officials plotted IMF attack to bring rebellious Italy to its knees

Om hvad der bedst kan betegnes som statskup under eurokrisen i 2011

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Om hvad der bedst kan betegnes som statskup under eurokrisen i 2011. Silvio Berlusconi i Italien og Papandreou i Grækenland - demokratisk valgte ledere - blev tvunget til afgang.

Timothy Geithner har f.eks. i sin nye bog beskrevet at EU ønskede at bruge IMF til at lægge pres på Italien.

The former US Treasury Secretary says that EU officials approached him in the white heat of the EMU crisis in November 2011 with a plan to overthrow  Silvio Berlusconi, Italy’s elected leader.

"They wanted us to refuse to back IMF loans to Italy as long as he refused to go," he writes.