Frankings unge vil ikke betale for 68ernes ødselhed - 50% overvejer at emigrere

Det intergenerationelle pyramidespil er ved at komme i problemer

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Det intergenerationelle pyramidespil er ved at komme i problemer. Det er ved at gå op for at unge at de kommer til at skulle betale høje skatter uden at for noget tilgengæld. Alle pengene vil gå til at betale for generøse socialpensioner som de aldrig selv vil nyde godt af. 

En 20 årig studerende ved navn Clara skrev et åbent brev til president Hollande:

“This will probably shock you, but it is mainly for fiscal reasons,… simply because I do not feel like working all my life to pay taxes, a large part of which will only service the 1.9 trillion Euros of debt that your generation has kindly left us. If these borrowings had at least been invested to prepare the future of the country, if I was getting a small benefit from them, it would not be a problem for me to help repay them. But this debt only helped your generation live above its means, and assure itself a generous social safety net which I will not have.


My labor and my taxes will also pay for your generation’s retirement which you did not bother to plan, and for all the health and support expenses incurred by the elderly who in less than twenty years will be a majority of the population. So what will be left for me to live on and to raise my children?


And, if by some improbable miracle, I managed to make a lot of money, I know already that not only will I be paying most of it in taxes, but I will also endure the general reproach of my compatriots and your personal contempt.

This is why, Mr. President, I am thinking of leaving France. And why your [government] should be less worried about the dangers of immigration and more concerned with the threats of emigration by the youth of this country. Where would I go? Perhaps to Germany, a country that you frequently disparage but which looks like a confident country. Or perhaps further, to Canada or Australia. Or to a developing country. To Africa, why not?


 Yes, I want to go to a country where there is growth, where wages are rising, where being rich is not a deadly sin, a country in short where the individual and the society have confidence that tomorrow will be brighter than today.”

Samtidig viser en afstemning på viavoice at 50% af unge mellem 18 og 34 ville forlade Frankrig hvis de havde muligheden. 

Med alt andet end en voksende, produktiv befolkning er velfærdsstaten et pyramidespil.