Les Identitaires - begyndelsen til en europæisk "Tea Party" bevægelse?

I aften, 8

Ikke angivet Ikke angivet,


I aften, 8. december kl. 21 i Lyon, vil tusindvis af fortrinsvis unge franskmænd gå i fakkeltog gennem byen for at fejre byens protektrice Jomfru Maria. Fakkeltoget - "Festival of Lights" - har været en tradition de sidste 150 år, men det særlige ved begivenheden de sidste fire år har været deltagelse af et stadig større antal unge.

De unge - Les Jeunes Identitaires / Association Les Petits Lyonnais / Rebeyne - er del af et hastigt voksende netværk i Frankrig, samlet i paraply-organisationen Bloc Identitaire, stiftet i 2003 af Fabrice Robert.

For et par måneder siden blev en nydannet ungdomsorganisation - Génération Identitaire - internationalt kendt efter udgivelsen af deres "Krigserklæring" samt besættelsen af moskeen i Poitiers. Siden da er bevægelsen vokset til foreløbig det ti-dobbelte, med lignende netværk i Tyskland, Østrig, Flandern, Italien og Spanien.

Efterfølgende gengives et kort uddrag at det første engelsksprogede interview med Fabrice Robert, til belysning af bevægelsens mål og midler. Interviewet er fra marts i år, altså før dannelsen af Génération Identitaire.

Fra Digital Crusades: Permanent Media War: The Strategic Provocation of Bloc Identitaire & an Interview with Fabrice Robert

[Fabrice Robert, 40] I am the president of the Bloc Identitaire. Postgraduate in the field of strategic information, I earn my living as an internet consultant. Former militant of the radical right, I created the Bloc identitaire in 2003, a movement often described by political scientists and analyst as an ideological think tank providing ideas to others parties.

With the Bloc identitaire, my purpose was to bring under the same roof all those who had at the heart of their consciences the defence of our ethnic identities. Our choices in matters of strategy and methods of action, enabled us to surprise the media, to grab the attention of our countrymen and, at the end, to have a significant impact on the political life of the country.

The Bloc Identitaire is at the heart of every political initiative at a national level in defense of our identity. It may work in synergy with other structures (non-profits, think tanks, political parties…).

The Bloc Identitaire is a crucial component of the whole identity movement, whose other partners include movements (such as Nissa Rebela in Nice, Alsace d’abord, an Alsatian identity movement and many others), the Houses of Identity (La Traboule in Lyons, Lou Bastioun in Nice, Ty Breizh in Brittany, etc.), our youth branch (l’Autre jeunesse), and specialised structures (publishing, internet, social networks, etc.).

The Bloc Identitaire never used the traditional pyramidal structures of the old parties inherited from the XIXth century. We favour an efficient network of local structures and specialised bodies. The Bloc identitaire is the national label for all the local initiatives.

The Bloc identitaire is better defined as a network rather than a conventional political party.

What is your opinion of Marine Le Pen?

First of all, we differ from that party by the methods. The Front national focuses only on the electoral battleground. We believe that the power does not come only through the ballot box. The electoral process is only one possibility of action and not an end in itself.

We also substantially differ from the Front national on the ground of the ideas. The National Front is hostile to European ideals, to regionalisation and to the idea of an ethnic identity. We firmly believe in three levels of belonging : region / nation / Europe.

The National Front stands for a vision of national identity closely associated with the acceptance of “republican values” inherited from the French revolution. It would therefore be enough to any foreigner to accept these values to become a full French? It’s not our point of view. For us, it is necessary to defend a vision of ethno-cultural identity. That’s why our struggle is directed to the defence of our three different levels of identity : local (regional), historical (French) and civilizational (European). For the Front national, these identities are antagonistic. For us, they are complementary, they belong to a whole.

Concerning Marine Le Pen, as the French like to say : « I will not insult the future ». But, to my knowledge, Marine Le Pen does not share most of the ideas we stand for, even if it sometimes has reused some of our themes. Moreover, we should see how much the Front national is ready to adopt important points for us: to end the birthright citizenship, to stop the policy of Family reunification and to reverse the migratory flows. With respect to Islamization, I am also waiting to see if Marine Le Pen is hostile to the building of any mosques on French soil, or if she is only hostile to the building of mosques publicly funded, which is very different.

Det skal bemærkes, at den identitære bevægelse er ikke-voldelig. “100% identity, 0% racism

Note: En noget længere video - i et mere seværdigt tempo - fra den mindre procession LUGDUNUM SUUM 2009