Cannabisbrug = lavere risiko for type 2 diabetes - British Medical Journal

En undersøgelse publiceret i det British Medical Journal indikerer, at brug af cannabis nedsætter risikoen for type 2 diabetes - kræver flere under...

Kaare Thode Jørgensen,


En undersøgelse publiceret i det British Medical Journal indikerer, at brug af cannabis nedsætter risikoen for type 2 diabetes - kræver flere undersøgelser førend man direkte vil opfordre diabetes patienter til brug af cannabis, men mon ikke supplerende forskning vil komme frem til samme resultat:

"We hypothesised that the prevalence of DM would be reduced in marijuana users due to the presence of one or more CBs because of their immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties.4 We assessed the association between DM and marijuana use among adults aged 20–59 years in a national sample of the general population."

Result: "As shown in supplement table 1, marijuana users (past and current) had a lower adjusted prevalence of DM"