Religionsfrihed: Svejtsiske hospitaler stopper for omskæring af drenge

Børn er ikke sikret religionsfrihed, hvis de tvinges ind i religiøse ritualer, som ikke kan omgøres

Nicolai Sennels,


Børn er ikke sikret religionsfrihed, hvis de tvinges ind i religiøse ritualer, som ikke kan omgøres. Risikoen for komplikationer og risikoen for seksuelle problemer i voksenlivet gør, at omskæring ikke bør foregå, førend drengene er så gamle, at de forstår risicierne og kan sige fra overfor eventuelt familiært pres. Svejts er igen et godt eksempel:

“Two hospitals in Switzerland have suspended the practice of non-medical circumcision within their walls. The move comes just weeks after a German court in Cologne ruled that parents cannot order circumcisions on their children because it constitutes bodily harm.

Swiss Local News reported Thursday that the Zurich University Children’s Hospital has temporarily halted the practice of non-medical circumcision until its legality can be determined. “We are in the process of evaluating the legal and ethical stance in Switzerland,” Marco Stuecheli, spokesman for the hospital, told AFP last week. Following suit, St. Gallen’s teaching hospital in northern Switzerland said over the weekend that they are considering a moratorium on circumcision, with a senior hospital official pledging a final decision by summer’s end, reported Beobachter magazine.

It is unlikely that the hospitals’ decisions will have strong repercussions on the practice in Swiss Jewish or Muslim communities…”