Bulgarsk Røde Kors: 3-4 millioner migranter til europa i foråret 2016

Jeg mangler ord

Ikke angivet Ikke angivet,


Jeg mangler ord. Kilden virker troværdig. 3-4 millioner i foråret alene. Det kan blive 12-16 millioner i resten af 2016. Vesteuropa vil bryde sammen, hvis der ikke bliver taget handling nu!

The refugee crisis has not ended and a wave of 3-4 million people is expected to reach Europe in the spring.

This was stated by the chairperson of the Bulgarian Red Cross Hristo Grigorov in an interview for Focus news agency on the occasion of a round table entitled “Integration of refugees in Bulgaria: reality and challenges”.

In his words, Bulgaria will be faced with an extraordinary refugee wave in the spring if the EU fails to adopt the rules regulating the access of migrants to the Union.