German intel agency notes dramatic increase in Islamic extremism (100 i 2013 til 1600 i 2016)

Nationer terroriseres under Islam The domestic intelligence service has announced an uptick of hundreds in a matter of months

Karen Kluxen,


Nationer terroriseres under Islam

The domestic intelligence service has announced an uptick of hundreds in a matter of months. At least one cause of the worrying trend is the ease with which young people can become radicalized online, authorities said. Germany's domestic security and intelligance agency (the BfV) said on Wednesday that the radical Islamist scene in the country had grown considerably, from only about 100 people in 2013 to some 1,600 today. Indeed, according to BfV chief Hans-Georg Maassen, the number had jumped by several hundred in a matter of months."We receive between two and four credible tips on planned terrorist activity in Germany...