Tom Wolfe myrder Radical Chic

Tom Wolfe's New Journalism-mestervaerk fra 1970, om dengang Leonard Bernstein inviterede De Sorte Pantere til soiree i sin Park Avenue penthouse-le...

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Tom Wolfe's New Journalism-mestervaerk fra 1970, om dengang Leonard Bernstein inviterede De Sorte Pantere til soiree i sin Park Avenue penthouse-lejlighed med New York's elite af ultrarige salonkommunister, og om hvad der ledte frem til katastrofen.

Bemaerk at der er tale om en reportage, ikke fiktion. Den er paa atten sider, saa saet dig med en god kande te og faa dig en befriende julemandslatter.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. These are nice. Little Roquefort cheese morsels rolled in crushed nuts. Very tasty. Very subtle. It’s the way the dry sackiness of the nuts tiptoes up against the dour savor of the cheese that is so nice, so subtle. Wonder what the Black Panthers eat here on the hors d’oeuvre trail? Do the Panthers like little Roquefort cheese morsels wrapped in crushed nuts this way, and asparagus tips in mayonnaise dabs, and meatballs petites au Coq Hardi, all of which are at this very moment being offered to them on gadrooned silver platters by maids in black uniforms with hand-ironed white aprons . . . The butler will bring them their drinks . . . Deny it if you wish to, but such are the pensées métaphysiques that rush through one’s head on these Radical Chic evenings just now in New York. For example, does that huge Black Panther there in the hallway, the one shaking hands with Felicia Bernstein herself, the one with the black leather coat and the dark glasses and the absolutely unbelievable Afro, Fuzzy Wuzzy-scale in fact—is he, a Black Panther, going on to pick up a Roquefort cheese morsel rolled in crushed nuts from off the tray, from a maid in uniform, and just pop it down the gullet without so much as missing a beat of Felicia’s perfect Mary Astor voice. . . .