Hvad tobaksindustrien har hemmeligholdt for dig i årtier

Hvis du er ryger, er du bekendt med at du inhalerer radioaktive stoffer hver gang du tænder en smøg? Tobaksindustrien har vidst det i årtier, og h...

Peter Bjørn,


Hvis du er ryger, er du bekendt med at du inhalerer radioaktive stoffer hver gang du tænder en smøg?

Tobaksindustrien har vidst det i årtier, og har også vidst hvordan de kunen filtrere det radioaktive Polonium ud af tobakken, men har ikke gjort det.


Polonium may not be the primary carcinogen in cigarette smoke, it may nonetheless cause thousands of deaths a year in the U.S. alone. And what sets polonium apart is that these deaths could be avoided with simple measures. The tobacco industry has known about polonium in cigarettes for nearly 50 years. By searching through internal tobacco industry documents, I have discovered that manufacturers even devised processes that would dramatically cut down the isotope’s concentrations in cigarette smoke. But Big Tobacco consciously decided to do nothing and to keep its research secret. In consequence, cigarettes still contain as much polonium today as they did half a century ago. "

Yderligere information (tidligere postet her på 180g):

To grow what the tobacco industry calls "more flavorful" tobacco, US farmers use high-phosphate fertilizers. The phosphate is taken from a rock mineral, apatite, that is ground into powder, dissolved in acid and further processed. Apatite rock also contains radium, and the radioactive elements lead 210 and polonium 210. The radioactivity of common chemical fertilizer can be verified with a Geiger-Mueller counter and an open sack of everyday 13-13-13 type of fertilizer (or any other chemical fertilizer high in phosphate content).4

US Surgeon General C Everett Koop stated on national television in 1990 that tobacco radiation is probably responsible for 90% of tobacco-related cancer.8 Dr RT Ravenholt, former director of World Health Surveys at the Centers for Disease Control, has stated that "Americans are exposed to far more radiation from tobacco smoke than from any other source."9


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