"It's Either Do It, Or You Die" California Regulators Clamp Down On Water Waste | Zero Hedge

Nu begynder problemerne at blive klare for alle at se i Californien, efter at staten har været under for en kraftig tørke i et år

Peter Bjørn,


Nu begynder problemerne at blive klare for alle at se i Californien, efter at staten har været under for en kraftig tørke i et år.

"...about 60 California cities and agencies have imposed mandatory water-use cutbacks, some as high as 50%. In many cases, the rules are enforced by charging higher fees for excess usage. In others, inspectors are deployed to crack down on scofflaws. Sacramento - the state's capital - is among the worst offenders and most heavily 'policed' as a team of 40 inspectors have handed out2,444 notices year-to-date, with fines of up to $1,000 for repeat offenders. Neighbors are encouraged to whistleblow - there has been 7,604 water-use complaints; but not everyone is embracing the change as lawn repair is down 40% - "The propaganda dictates we haven't much choice... It's either do it or you die.""

Dette gør det klart at hvis folk ikke vil vælge de relativt liberale løsninger på ressourceknaphed og drivhiusgasudledninger, så kommer de mere illiberale, brutale og ubehagelige helt af sig selv.