Inconvenient Truths About the Man-made Global Warming Scam

Experts said Arctic sea ice would melt entirely by September 2016 - they were wrong

Karen Kluxen,


Experts said Arctic sea ice would melt entirely by September 2016 - they were wrong.

Texas has been cooling since 1995, but that doesn’t suit NOAA’s global warming agenda. So they keep cooling the past further and further to create the appearance of a warming trend.


The UN bans skeptical journalists from climate summit for holding views not particularly helpful.

The Earth is heading towards another ice age as solar magnetic activity is set to drop by up to sixty per cent in the next fifteen years.

Winters may be getting colder in the Northeast.

The Weather Channel video uses young kids, scaring them about their lack of a future to promote global warming fears.

Looking to the hypocrites who are perpetrating this scam we have our Secretary of State who never saw a Global Warming photo op he didn’t like.  On one Trip to the Antarctic, Kerry produced as much CO2 as an average American does in one year.