Lager af jihadbørn fundet i Somalia

Man bliver helt kvalm af at læse nyheder fra den del af verden

Nicolai Sennels,


Man bliver helt kvalm af at læse nyheder fra den del af verden. Al-Shabab fanger børn, sætter kæder på dem, hjernevasker dem, klistrer en bombe på dem og sender dem ud på en markedsplads – eller til Europa, hvor de er tikkende bomber i vores ghettoer. Koranen lover alt godt til dem, som dræber og bliver dræbt for islam:

“Gud har købt de troendes liv og ejendom af dem mod, at de vil få Haven: De skal kæmpe for Guds sag, dræbe og selv blive dræbt – som et sandfærdigt løfte, der påhviler Ham, i Toraen, Evangeliet og Koranen. Hvem er vel mere tro mod sit løfte end Gud? Så glæd jer over den handel, som I har sluttet! Det er den vældige sejr.” (9:111)

“Somali forces aided by AMISOM troops raided a Quran education center in northern Mogadishu’s Waharade neighbourhood on Friday where they discovered chained up children. The government troops said the center was part of a larger network belonging to Al Qaida and Al Shabab — Somalia’s most prominent militant group. They added the students, all below the age of 10, were being taught extreme version of Islam and suicide bombing materials. All of the kids had their two legs chained together without the knowledge of their parents or relatives. All them slept at the center which operated like a boarding school in similar fashion to many normal Quranic centers dotted across the Horn of Africa nation. When the forces questioned the teacher, said to be a member of al Shabab, he told them that he chained them up because many of them were skipping classes. All students in this particular center were held against their will just like the general Somali society by foreign men with foreign twisted ideologies. The kids were also brainwashed and told if they blew themselves that they would enter Paradise. It is not clear how many similar kids blew themselves for al Shabab, perhaps with many first chained up then chained to explosives. The Somali government has been raiding suspecious centers for the last two months arresting more than 500 al Shabab suspects in the operations. This is the first time the world has seen how al Qaeda and al Shabab possibly recruit their suicide bombers. The teacher was taken into custody for further investigation.”

Chained Children Discovered in Quran Education Center