97 percent of black murders are at the hands of other blacks

Medierne kan eller vil ikke forklare betydningen af "populisme"

Torben Snarup Hansen,


Medierne kan eller vil ikke forklare betydningen af "populisme".

Det, der sker efter politimordene i USA er populisme. Læs to artikler om de kyniske initiativtagere:


Oops, We Started a Race War!

by Gavin McInnes - July 08, 2016

“A good 97 percent of black murders are at the hands of other blacks....”



How Many People Have To Die Because Of The #BlackLivesMatter Movement?

John Hawkins
Posted: Jul 09, 2016 12:01 AM
“What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!” – Chant by "Million Marchers" in New York City. The whole Black Lives Matter Movement is pure crap designed to help liberals get their names out there and to increase black turnout in elections for the Democratic Party.

It’s a movement funded by liberal white Americans like the Ben and Jerry’s Foundation and supported primarily by privileged black liberals that does nothing but produce a bigger body count..........

Then there’s Mike Brown. If you believe #Blacklivesmatter, he was a gentle giant who was innocently strolling home and then was needlessly shot to death by an officer while his hands were up. Except none of that is true. Brown had just robbed a convenience store and was killed by an officer he was attacking in an attempt to take his gun.............
