Peter Hitchens (Mail on Sunday): Forget 'evil' Putin - we are the bloodthirsty warmongers

Et af de mere sjældne og fornuftige indlæg, der med desværre store mellemrum får lov at trænge igennem de meget ensrettede medier

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Et af de mere sjældne og fornuftige indlæg, der med desværre store mellemrum får lov at trænge igennem de meget ensrettede medier. Konservative Peter Hitchens:

We think we are the heroes, setting out with brave hearts to confront the Dark Lord, and free the saintly Ukrainians from his wicked grasp.

This is all the most utter garbage. Since 1989, Moscow, the supposed aggressor, has – without fighting or losing a war – peacefully ceded control over roughly 180 million people, and roughly 700,000 square miles of valuable territory.

The EU (and its military wing, Nato) have in the same period gained control over more than 120 million of those people, and almost 400,000 of those square miles.

Imagine how you’d feel if Russian politicians had appeared in Edinburgh in September urging the Scots to vote for independence, or if Russian money had been used to fund pro-independence organisations.

There is a complacent joy abroad about the collapse of the rouble, brought about by the mysterious fall in the world’s oil price.

I do not know, but there’s no doubt that Mr Putin’s Russia has been a major obstacle to the Gulf states’ desire to destroy the Assad government in Syria, and that the USA and Britain have (for reasons I long to know) taken the Gulf’s side in this.