Organised by The European Freedom Initiative on behalf of the EDL & European Defence Leagues

Mikael Bork,


Organised by The European Freedom Initiative on behalf of the EDL & European Defence Leagues.

On March 31st 2012 various European Defence Leagues and Counter-Jihad groups will be gathering in Aarhus, Denmark for a public meeting to talk about issues such as Sharia Law, Halal, Immigration and the continuing Islamification of Europe.

The Danish Defence League have kindly agreed to host this peaceful event.

Confirmed speakers at this point are:

Tommy Robinson (English Defence League)
Elisabeth Sabbaditch Wolff TBC
Anders Gravers (SIOE)
Pavel Chernev (SIOE Bulgaria)
Ronny Alte (Norwegian Defence League)
Kasper Mortensen (Danish Defence League)
Mimosa DeDanann (Finnish Defence League)
Isak Nygren (Swedish Defence League)
Rene Buller & Czesław Kaczmarczyk (Polish Defence League)

This list will be extended as speakers confirm their availability.

The event will take place between 14.00 and 17.00 at a location yet to be confirmed..

We are working closely with the Danish Police to secure a safe venue and further details will be released nearer the time.
