Europe: Generation Jihad is here! |

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Nicolai Sennels,


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"Europe: Generation Jihad is here!

By: Nicolai Sennels, psychologist (for

Fresh surveys show that a new generation, Generation Jihad, is part of European reality today. 80 percent of young Turks in Holland see “nothing wrong” with jihad against non-Muslims. 27 percent of 18-24 year old Frenchmen and 14 percent of under 25 year old British, presummably including the vast majority of these countries’ young Muslims, sympathises with the Islamist militant group ISIS. ISIS, or Islamic State, has declared war against Europe, and is sending jihadis to the West as part of its plan to destroy our lands and install the barbaric sharia and forceibly convert, subdue or kill all non-Muslims, following the same playbook (the Quran) as in Syria. And even though Islamic State does its best to give itself a bad name by beheading thousands and shooting masses of unarmed civilians, a whole generation of young people with Western passports living in the middle of our cities, sympathises with them.

What could possibly go wrong…?”