Romney fører. Obama alvorligt bagud.

Romney er ved at manifestere sig som frontløber

Ikke angivet Ikke angivet,


Romney er ved at manifestere sig som frontløber. Selv TV2 omtalte ham positivt i en enkelt bisætning i går. Nu mangler jeg bare at se noget positivt i DR og Politiken.

Det vil med al tydelighed demonstrere deres kapitulation.

Rasmussen: Romney 279, Obama 243
from Weekly Standard Blog by Jeffrey H.

The latest state-by-state polling from Rasmussen
Reports shows Mitt Romney leading President Obama by a tally of 279 to 243 in
projected electoral votes. Among the nine key swing states, Rasmussen Reports now shows Romney
leading in Florida ( by 2 percentage points), Ohio ( by 2 points), Virginia ( by 2 points), Colorado ( by 4 points), and New Hampshire ( by 2 points). It shows Obama leading in Pennsylvania ( by 5 points) and Nevada ( by 2 points). It shows Wisconsin (49 percent to 49 percent) and Iowa ( 48 percent to 48 percent) tied.


